Sunday, November 22, 2009

Last Thursday...

I had an OB appointment at 10 weeks, and everything seemed fine. Blood pressure, good. Weight, good. Blood tests (from the previous week), good.  I had been having morning sickness and headaches, nothing out of the norm. When Dr. Pierson went to listen to the heartbeat of the baby, there was something off. Not too concerned, the doctor said that sometimes the baby is in an odd position making it harder to pinpoint where she/he is and to hear the heartbeat. After shifting positions around for a minute, she said that we'd have to do an internal ultrasound because she wasn't having any luck. The ultrasound revealed not a tiny "jumping bean" of a baby, but only a dark sack of fluid. The dark circle is supposed to be the home of a growing fetus.  Dr. Pierson very kindly said, that the conditions for a pregnancy must have been right at first, and then changed. The pregnancy had appeared to have started and stopped all within a few weeks. From the ultrasound, it looked like I had miscarried about 4-5 weeks ago, without any symptoms.
Austin and I of course were very dissapointed, but we are doing okay. We know that it will happen in God's time, not ours. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.


Kaizen Family said...

I wish I was closer to give you a big hug. We love you guys ♥

Joel and Dacia said...

I'm so sorry Courtney, I'm sure that was heart-breaking. I hope you guys are doing alright and that you're able to have another little one when the time is right.